Saturday 24 December 2011

how to import maps favourites into nokia lumia drive

This is a vast necessity for me and I'm shocked alternate individuals aren't requesting the same.I have a ton of areas in numerous nations which I venture out to via auto. I rely on Nokia Maps and my favourites for the sum total of the aforementioned areas.Now I'm utilizing my Lumia for satnav its frightful to need to manually drop in the area (a large portion of which could not be found utilizing Drive inquiry) each time I have a desire to utilize Drive.Now I get a load of Lumia Drive more nearly, there doesn't give off an impression of being any idea of favourites or recovering areas in there to any detectable degree. Is this right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did require from the Nokia Drive infrastructure group this just, as well as preferred reconciliation in overall betwixt Maps and Drive on the Lumia 800. I am swore it is work in advancement and they are taking a shot at it.You would not be able to have realised this, but for the instant they don't even offer the same guide information.