Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Samsung Galaxy Ace Support twlauncher problem!!

Hello android, I have problem with is the Samsung Galaxy Ace. This phone is bug phone comparing with other android Samsung phones. My problem was rise when I am downloading and installing the same application from android market that installation time I am gets automatically error message that pop up is “process.com.sec.android.app.twlauncher”  and after that installation fail. Help me please……….

1 comment:

I am Android said...

Hey friend, this is common problem rise when you download maximum application from android market for that you suppose to clean up your application data via your Google account which you’re using in market. But clear the data after you loss icon from you phone screen. For clear the data and phone setting follow the steps which are below:
Step for creating and adding new home screen:
Login via Google account in android market  select second home application and install through web example default web launcher  after the complete installation switch off you device  after 30 sec or 1 min start phone and you see dialog default home application on your mobile screen  don’t choose default application, do later  select second home application which you created earlier 
Main phone setting:
Setting  Application  Application Manager  Select your Home application example: Samsung Home for you device  go and clean up all cache of data  using home manager application enjot the home application.