Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Xoom using Android Tablet Forum

Talk about.... 1st surprise what I'd still act with one... But, they upset my attention... I established on the XOOM. I feel affection for the seam. I care for the feel. I had sufficient links. SD micro workings at the moment. You know how to get a USB adapter. I search out the Xoom and contain android 3.2 on it.  It’s there but you have to hook to a computer to write to it right now. Google politics is the issue, not the device. But I have played with several other tablets and they all have some issue. Not one is perfect. Go to Best buy and play with them. I prefer the xoom so far overall. I have a 32gb SD card in it and loaded it up and it works very well but not all bases patched yet. So in actuality I have 64 gb running on it. I have a huge library of stuff I want to carry around so it will take time to get enough SD cards. Or an adapter for the use and an external drive. Big external drive... over all I love my tablet and I know it still young in technology and will improve daily. Apps get updated almost daily... Enjoy, hope this helps....
Sent from my Xoom using Android Tablet Forum

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